活动预告 | 全球教育学院院长论坛之“全球院长展望教育未来”系列活动六
Formative, Whole Person Education 了解有关全人教育的前沿话题吗?你知道什么是形成性教育吗?你想听听来自美国波士顿学院教育与人类发展学院院长与新加坡南洋理工大学国立教育学院教师和博士生之间的对话吗?全球教育学院院长论坛之“全球院长展望未来”系列活动第六场即将启动欢迎参加! “全球院长展望未来”系列对话活动是全球教育学院院长论坛(GEDF)在常规院长论坛之外创建的新型对话平台:– 旨在通过联盟成员高校间建立院长与联盟学院师生的轮流交流机制,增进GEDF院校之间的师生互动,促进全球青年学者代表与领导者的跨校跨区域沟通,发挥GEDF平台的独特作用– 推动全球教育学院领导者与研究者共同探讨教育在当今社会的新价值和新使命,在共通性的教育问题上达成共识,对全球教育政策和实践发挥积极作用。 时间:北京时间9月20日 9:00-10:00地点:ZOOM线上会议会议号:810 0874 9109 密码:376428参会二维码:活动语言:英语 对话院长: Stanton Wortham 美国波士顿学院林奇教育与人类发展学院院长,曾任宾夕法尼亚大学伯科威茨教育学教授。著作包括Learning Identity、Bullish on Uncertainty、Discourse Analysis beyond the Speech Event和Migration Narratives。除传统出版物外,其作品还包含电影等(详见http://www.adelantethefilm.com/)。在研究和实践方面,Stanton Wortham和波士顿学院的同事们正在落实“形成性教育”的远大愿景,即教育者有责任促进人的全面发展,包括人际、情感、道德和精神层面的相互关系(相关信息请访问http://www.adelantethefilm.com/)。 主持人:陈红燕 德国柏林自由大学哲学博士,华东师范大学国际与比较教育研究所副教授,跨文化教育与交流研究中心负责人。 对话者:Sandra Wu 新加坡南洋理工大学国立教育学院政策、课程与领导力学术小组讲师。Ramani Saravanan新加坡南洋理工大学国立教育学院教育学博士在读,研究方向为教育领导与变革。 对话摘要:Many educational approaches emphasize human development beyond the acquisition of knowledge and vocational skills—the cultivation of virtue, imagination, character, and other goals in addition to subject matter. Recently, there has been increasing interest in these more holistic approaches to education. Although education policy and assessments in most countries remain focused on subject matter, policymakers, educators, scholars, parents and children are also attending to broader educational ends and there is new pressure for education to foster comprehensive development. This pressure has advanced philosophies and practices of holistic education—ranging from “social and emotional learning” to “well-being” to “whole child education” to “character education” to “flourishing” to “21st century skills” to “civic education.” Some of these are venerable traditions, while others are more recent. The proliferation of these approaches is encouraging, as countries, educators, policymakers, schools, and parents move beyond narrow academic and vocational goals toward education for comprehensive human well-being. This talk describes advances made by one approach to holistic education, “formative education.” Formative education includes three interrelated components. First, it fosters development along multiple dimensions—including intellectual, social, ethical, and spiritual—as well as integration across these, such that young people have an opportunity to become more whole. Second, it offers young people space to reflect on intrinsic ends and the larger purposes of their lives, guiding them toward better decisions, worthwhile goals, and greater fulfillment. Third, it takes place in community with others who help students articulate their pathways and further the common good, such that individuals have an opportunity to flourish and live respectfully with others. This paper argues that formative education is more comprehensive and more adequate than most other approaches to “whole person education” or “well-being.” It briefly describes a new academic “Department of Formative Education,” an interdisciplinary home for research and practice in this distinctive approach to holistic education. 前期活动回顾:全球教育学院院长论坛之“全球院长展望未来”系列活动 | 后疫情时代全球教育的现状和前景 (相关链接:2022年7月2日官微推送)回放链接:http://www.ed.ecnu.edu.cn/en/?p=4932 全球教育学院院长论坛之“全球院长展望教育未来”系列活动第二场成功举行|后疫情时代的研究生教育与留学生教育 (相关链接:2022年9月19日官微推送)回放链接:http://www.ed.ecnu.edu.cn/en/?p=4863 全球教育学院院长论坛之“全球院长展望教育未来”系列活动第三场成功举行 (相关链接:2022年12月5日学部官微推送)回放链接:http://www.ed.ecnu.edu.cn/en/?p=4962 全球教育学院院长论坛之“全球院长展望教育未来”系列活动第四场成功举行(相关链接:2023年4月29日学部官微推送)回放链接:http://www.ed.ecnu.edu.cn/en/?p=5137 全球教育学院院长论坛之“全球院长展望教育未来”系列活动第五场成功举行(相关链接:2023年6月16日学部官微推送)回放链接:http://www.ed.ecnu.edu.cn/en/?p=5170