新加坡南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University,简称:NTU)是一所享誉国际的研究密集型大学,在2025年QS世界大学排名中位居全球15名。1991年,该校进将国立教育学院(National Institute of Education)纳入旗下,NIE是新加坡南洋理工大学的一个自主学院,是新加坡唯一的教师培训机构,是新加坡教师培育的摇篮,也是新加坡教育服务不可或缺的重要部分。NIE在国际上享有盛誉,为印尼和阿联酋等一系列国家提供教育咨询服务。其教育学科在本年度QS全球教育专业排名中位列第11名。一、项目概要报名对象:本科生为主,同时欢迎各学段的研究生报名(年级、名额不限)项目形式:在线学习校内报名时间:即日起至3月30日项目开展时间:2025年6月30日至7月25日(为期4周)二、材料提交1、教育学部学生赴国(境)外交流申请表;2、英文版在校期间成绩单;3、英语水平成绩证明。本科生发送至研究生发送至三、项目咨询国际事务部 胡老师:021-62224962教学事务部 蔡老师:021-62233156(研究生)张老师:021-62232544(本科生)四、开设课程(学生可在下列3门课程中任选)具体课程简介请见: Teaching and Learning of Primary Mathematics IThis interactive exploratory course aims to introduce students to (i) the Singapore Primary Mathematics Curriculum, (ii) preparation of lesson plans (iii) pedagogical strategies and psychological theories and (iv) the teaching of topics: whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio and direct proportion, rate and speed and algebra. There will be opportunities to explore the teaching and learning of these topics through interactive sessions, self-exploration activities and discussion.2. Climate and Climate ChangeThis course offers a comprehensive introduction to the atmospheric processes driving climate and weather patterns, with a particular focus on anomalous and adverse weather conditions. Students will explore the diverse climate zones of the tropics, transboundary atmospheric issues, and the overarching phenomenon of global climate change. The course delves into the definition, causes, and effects of climate change, providing a historical perspective and examining key drivers such as greenhouse gases and human activities. It also addresses the impacts of climate change on ecosystems, societies, and economies, along with management responses and mitigation strategies. By the end of the course, students will have gained an understanding of fundamental climate concepts, as well as the tools needed to critically assess climate-related challenges and propose informed responses.3.Child Development in Early Childhood EducationIn this course, we focus on children’s growth and development in the formative years of the human lifespan – from 0 to 8 years old. The study of child development is interesting and essential both for research and practice. It helps us understand why we as adults are who we are, and what we can do as a society to nurture future generations of well-adjusted and good citizens beginning from the early years. Aims of the course: 1. To provide students with a basic grasp of findings, theories and methods in developmental science, and to critically evaluate them; 2. To help students appreciate the need to base theory on empirical findings; 3. To help students think critically about child development and its application in the early education setting; 4. To familiarise students with literature resources in developmental science, including empirical studies conducted in the region.五、项目费用和奖学金项目费用:注册费+管理费450新币,每门课程费用1710新币奖学金申请:通过校内遴选的本科生申请者将有机会申请奖学金,申请成功者最多可免除两门课程费用,但仍需缴纳注册管理费用,奖学金申请截止日期:2025年4月30日奖学金申请条件:需有雅思至少6分(其中写作不低于6分)或托福至少570分(paper) /90分(internet) /237分(computer)或一封英语老师证明该生英语水平的推荐信奖学金申请方式:将语言成绩或推荐信,连同其他相关支持材料发至以下邮箱进行申请奖学金申请相关链接:附件:教育学部学生出国境交流申请表.docx