课程预告:2016级佛年班“教育研究方法”系列全英语课程之三: Quantitative Research Method in Education


主讲教师:Wenfan Yan 博士,教授, 美国马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校






Dr. Wenfan Yan is Professor and the Director of the Institute of International and Comparative Education’s (IICE), Center for U.S. – China Educational Leadership (CUSCEL) at the University of Massachusetts Boston.

He received his Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He teaches courses on research methods, comparative education and dissertation seminar. His research interests have been focused in the area of policy analysis around national and international educational issues in equity, access, effectiveness and assessment of P-16 education. Dr. Yan has received research grant from the American Educational Research Association supported by the National Science Foundation and the National Center for Education Statistic. His recent research grants on Chinese education reform and service learning are supported by the Chinese government.  His research program integrated both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, and variety of statistical analysis techniques including complex analyses procedures such as multilevel modeling.



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